Call for Participation





The 16th Annual MidSouth Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (MCBIOS ’19) program committee solicits one-page abstracts related to the research theme of “Informatics for Precision Medicine” for presentations (both oral and poster) to be held in March 28-30 at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Birmingham, AL.

MCBIOS annual conference is a premier annual meeting for bioinformatics researchers, professionals, and trainees in the Middle and Southern areas of the United States. It has a major venue for informaticians to exchange late-breaking research results, learn technological trends, and network in the region. This annual event has been organized by the MCBIOS society and served as an affiliate satellite meeting of the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB). MCBIOS 2019 will be hosted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine and co-sponsored by various Academic and industrial entities related to genomics, information technology, and health sciences, and biopharmaceuticals.

Attendees will share and discuss novel ideas on emerging topics related to genomics, bioinformatics, biocomputing, medical informatics, algorithmic/database development, applied statistics, bioengineering, data sciences, and their relevant precision medicine applications in disease and consumer health. We welcome researchers in all stages of career, from students, postdocs, junior faculty, and experienced researchers, to disseminate late-breaking interdisciplinary research work at this meeting.

Submissions (CLOSED)

MCBIOS will consists of invited keynote presentations, tutorial/workshop sessions, a special UAB informatics session in conjunction with ATTIS, regular conference podium presentation sessions, and poster sessions. Keynote presentations are listed below. We are looking for open or invited submissions of abstracts for consideration of poster presentations into the conference program.

  • Poster presentation (4 feet by 3 feet format). Work-in-progress worth showcasing to the general MCBIOS audience. Student work is highly encouraged. Poster session will be showcased for 1-3 days, depending on submission and space limits.

Submission should be done using the following template. Each submission should include a title, a list of all authors, corresponding author contact email, a paragraph of background, innovation, approach, results, and URLs for any supplemental information (for review at the discretion of the reviewer), all within one page using 11-point fonts of a Word/PDF document. Literature cited may be listed as a separate page without being counted towards the one-page limit. Please submit abstracts here. The deadline for submission is March 15.

Anyone who presents the accepted work (poster or podium presentation) at MCBIOS ’19 will be eligible for the BMC Bioinformatics special issue publication considerations. Those interested in having the work being considered for subsequent submission may indicate so at the time of submission.

Review and Acceptance

Each abstract will be carefully reviewed by the area chairs closely related to the topic indicated by the submitter, if the submissions are made prior to published deadlines. Program committee members will be called upon to assist area chairs in selecting the best podium presentations based on innovation, impact, scientific rigor of the approach, and relevance to the conference or session themes. Abstracts that are clearly unrelated to bioinformatics, genomics, or computational biology or deemed to be of poor quality will be rejected. Abstracts submitted after the deadline may also be rejected without review.

Deadlines and Dates

Check out the Key Dates page for updates on deadlines and dates.

Conference Chairs

Jake Y. Chen, Ph.D.

Professor of Genetics, Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering
Chief Bioinformatics Officer
Informatics Institute
University of Alabama at Birmingham


Matthew Might, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine and Computer Science
Founding Director
Precision Medicine Institute
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Program Chairs

Weida Tong, Ph.D.

Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics National Center for Toxicological Research
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Purushotham Bangalore, Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Banner photo Credit: UAB